8 Useful Ways To Help You Relieve Stress and Anger

MM Life
6 min readAug 12, 2021

Have you ever said something and regret it immediately?

Sometimes stressful situations bring out the worst in us, and naturally, we need to find an outlet to vent our anger.

Some of us have strategies to let go of the negative feelings and stress, while others keep it in themselves.

This not only prolonged the stress they are feeling, but it also intensifies the stress and frustrations.

Though easier said (in this case, typed) than done, here are some ways that you can incorporate into your routines to help relieve stress and anger.

Write it out

Do not underestimate the power of writing your feelings out!

Keeping a journal is one effective way of letting your emotions go.

No one is there to correct your grammar or laugh at your not-so-perfect vocabulary words. So don’t bother to self-edit the blue or red underlined words.

Just write anything and everything that is on your mind, those million and one unanswerable questions that are eating away in your mind.

I like to write in my journal whenever I am feeling down or when something good happened during my day. If possible, allow writing to be part of your daily sets of…



MM Life
MM Life

Written by MM Life

MM Life creates content to encourage personal wellbeing and positive relationships. I believe that staying healthy and happy is the key to longevity.

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